It’s Annual Accounts Review Season!


It’s that time of year again – Annual Accounts review season!


To ensure the Annual Accounts process is as smooth as possible for both of us, please remember the following:


  1. All invoices and documents relating to bank transactions must be uploaded to Xero.


  2. We’ll email you an Annual Accounts questionnaire- please completely this as accurately as possible and submit it within 30 days.


  3. If you’re not on a monthly agreed service plan, we’ll send you a proposal for your Annual Accounts and Tax Returns. Please accept this as soon as possible; we can’t commence work until it’s been accepted.


  4. We’ll schedule a quick meeting with you to review your completed questionnaire and discuss any major transactions for the year.


  5. We’ll review all your data and information and let you know if anything is missing – please supply any missing info within 48 hours.


  6. When we’ve got everything we need, we’ll start work on your Annual Accounts.


  7. We might contact you with queries during the process – please respond within 48 hours to help us meet our turnaround target.


  8. After we’ve drafted your Annual Accounts, we’ll send you a short pre-work questionnaire and schedule a review meeting.


  9. We aim to finalise your Annual Accounts within 30 days.


  10. After finalising your Annual Accounts, we’d like to meet with you for a complimentary meeting to set new goals, identify any issues or challenge you’re facing, and determine how we can best support you.



We appreciate your assistance with the preparation of your Annual Accounts; committing to the above steps ensures our time remains within our agreed fee contract and helps us meet our 30-day completion target.


If you have any questions about our Annual Accounts process, please get in touch!


About the author 

UK Tax Returns

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